Tag Archives: Thor

Avengers: Infinity War. REVIEW (non-spoiler)

Marvel has been building this Cinematic Universe for a decade now and we have very much seen the culmination of an 19-movie arc result in possibly the grandest film spectacle of all time!

With this film following on from Thor: Ragnarok, Captain America: Civil War and several other previous releases, we are immediately thrown into the action as Thanos immediately makes his presence known after finding the Asgardian refugee ship in 2017’s Ragnarok! Without giving too much away, this interaction is then what helps connect The Avengers to the other MCU characters who have yet to come together.


Back on earth, we catch up with our heroes who are just going through everyday life. The threat of Thanos and his hunt for the Infinity Stones is enough to rally earth’s mightiest heroes to protect the planet and prepare for a climactic showdown. In a film which has SO MANY CHARACTERS, there is never a moment where a presence or personality is out of place or not required.

The cast is rich with MCU favourites, and when you see Doctor Strange and Iron Man in one quadrant and Thor kicking it with the Guardians Of The Galaxy in another, I just straight away thought this is the first true COMIC BOOK film. Watching this movie not only flits between these difference characters with ease like in a comic, but the tone and look are all perfectly complimented for each character and the image we represent them with.


Looking at the newer cast members, we are introduced to the Black Order or “Children Of Thanos” in Infinity War. While we probably don’t get to learn a lot about them, they are all formidable fighters and more than a challenge for the heroes. If I could point out a particular favourite, it would possibly be Ebony Maw who specialises in telepathy and telekinesis. This character also makes himself sound like a preacher who is happy to honour his “god” Thanos and do all he can to fulfil his plans.

The pace of the film is consistent throughout its 2-and-a-half-hour runtime, we are constantly on GO and there is never a dull moment. At the same time, there is almost no opportunity to reflect on what happened 10 minutes previously as you feel like you are living through this film. When I reached the end, there was this weird feeling of joy and delight mixed with frustration and upset, but that’s what you needed when you got to this point. The ending rallies up a number of emotions and I can honestly say I have never experienced a film like this before. Because of the MCU and its rich history over the last decade, that is why I felt this mix of emotion. Can I just say, this was the perfect ending for the movie and perfectly sets up what is to come in the next 12 months.


While writing up this review, I really wanted to say which character I thought was the best performed or the highlight of the movie. I would probably have to say Thanos is the star and actor Josh Brolin makes the mad titan one of the more satisfying villains in comic book movie history. While Kilmonger in Black Panther made the audience sympathetic and Vulture in Spider-Man: Homecoming saw a family man doing all he can, Thanos is doing what he honestly believes is the best for all of existence.

In a film with such a bloated cast, there is very little to complain about in terms of characterisation and enjoyment. Everybody plays their part and no single cast member is wasted. Some characters do get more screen time than others, but maybe this will be balanced out in Avengers 4 next year. The special effects are all top-notch and every little detail is presented perfectly. The BIGGEST congratulations though must go to directors Anthony and Joe Russo who took the reigns from Joss Whedon and have created The Avengers film that we needed. There isn’t a lot of films that can take pre-established characters and throw them together into a situation with worldwide implications, but Avengers: Infinity War shows the stakes are at their highest as every corner of the MCU is pulled into this adventure which will forever alter the cinematic Universe that we have come to know.


The humour is still fantastic throughout, the laughs do still come in great supply and it never throws us off on the emotional scenes and no death is ever underplayed! The action is unparalleled and breath-taking. Plus, how many films will you see Spider-Man, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy…you get the point! As long as you know some background knowledge on the film franchise, you can enjoy this film thoroughly. If you have been with the Marvel Cinematic Universe since day one, I will give you an air high five as we celebrate what is definitely the pay-off for ten years of dedication to this cultural phenomenon we have lived through.

Well done to The Russo Brothers, THIS was the comic book film to beat them all!

So we still have a year to wait for Avengers 4? I may need to watch Infinity War a few more times before that…and so will you!

Final rating: 10/10

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove

Look out for my future article where I discuss in detail more plot points and theories for the next film!


Thor: Ragnarok MOVIE REVIEW!

*Mild Spoilers*

Thor is a great Marvel character and he unfortunately has not had a great run when it comes to his own films. While I did enjoy the first movie and The Dark World was enjoyable with some great set pieces, this threequel was indeed a truly spectacular action film with so much comedy and ties into the MCU more than you may have imagined.


Chris Hemsworth returns to play Thor for the sixth time (following Thor 1 and 2, Avengers 1 and 2 and also his cameo appearance in Doctor Strange). Building on his more upbeat and joke-like nature from his last few appearances, Thor is at his best in this film as a more mature fighter but has the attitude of a frat guy! While he does embark on a journey throughout the cosmos, he does have a lot of fun along the way.

There is so much going on in this film, it does feel like a real journey as we travel between Earth, Sakaar and Asgard. Not much of a spoiler, but the impact of Thor losing his hammer does help with building the actual threat that new villain Hela represents (Cate Blanchett, who just steals the show and is deliciously evil from beginning to end). While Thor is thrown out of the picture and unable to stop Hela trying to take over Asgard, we see The God Of Thunder take on new challenges in the form of The Grandmaster (Jeff Goldblum), the Asgardian Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) and an old friend with a bit of a temper (Mark Ruffalo, who is on screen less than his CGI counterpart)!


While we may not get a Planet Hulk film, consider this almost an epilogue to one we would have received. As Thor is forced into a gladiator style fight with the green hero, we see the two mighty Avengers battle it out in a brutal and enjoyable match-up. Avengers: Age Of Ultron may have seen Hulk take off to protect the earth, we find that he has been in Hulk mode for over two years and is considered a champion on Sakaar with a sense of intelligence and growth in that time. To have Hulk in this film is a stroke of genius and he fits in perfectly with everything that is happening.

As Thor has spent a few years trying to prevent Ragnarok from happening, we see him interact with many old faces and new. The few cameos that come up will bring an adrenaline shot to any Marvel Cinematic Universe fanatics and a few more laughs to go with the already strong comedic tone throughout.


Tom Hiddleston’s Loki, in possibly his least prominent role was still vital for a good chunk of the runtime and indeed shows why he is still one of the best characters to come from this franchise. Heimdall, Odin and even Doctor Strange all get their chance to shine in this film, but the big star apart from Thor and Hulk is definitely Hela. The Goddess Of Death is shown to be more significant to Thor than we could first have guessed and a consequence of their final interaction in the film will see a permanent change to the Thunder God.

If you think you know what will happen by the trailers alone, you are going to be in for a shock (God Of Thunder joke there!). While the dialogue may be more improvised than most other MCU works, the natural progression through their conversations is incredible. Hela is evil, but cool and Loki is still a sneaky bastard with more layers to him than an onion. Also, I would pay admission again just to see 2 hours of Jeff Goldblum playing…well, Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster!


Taika Waititi has indeed made a brilliant film. If another Thor is to be made or they need someone for a future MCU movie with a comic slant, why not get Waititi back? Also, he made the character Korg a great addition for the film series and I hope he will be back soon. The movie is a visual delight throughout and possibly the most impressive blend of action and effects that only Doctor Strange can rival. Also, this did feel like the film that could have been made in the 80’s and still wowed people today.

While the comedy may appear to be too strong in the film at certain times, the laughs are all well founded and the drama and action is still given enough time to breathe and stop the movie from just becoming a parody. Chris Hemsworth has grown into his role as Thor perfectly, and like Captain America: Civil War, has shown that his third outing with a team-up is certainly his best. Ragnarok may not be the best MCU film, but it’s definitely the funniest and most spectacular!

Final rating: 9/10

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove


The 17 Films to see in 2017

Well last year I did a list on the 16 films to see in 2016, and I have managed to see most of the films on the list (still got Rogue One to come). But I am already thinking of the goldmine of films that will be taking over 2017. You would be correct with the assumption I have picked a good number of superhero films for 2017, but that is not the WHOLE list. There are a few sequels to some big hits of 2015, a few comedies and maybe a horror or two! A few honourable mentions for 2017 include Rings (which might be fun), Power Rangers (people will watch it, I know it), Flatliners (it is a sequel to Flatliners from years ago, but uses the same title) and Edgar Wright making his cinematic return with Baby Driver. With that, let’s get on to the list.


The Comedian

Ok, this is a more original entry to start off the list. This film stars Robert De Niro as comedian Jackie Burke, a comedian once known from a popular TV show, he continues to do a stand-up routine. He finds himself going through a lot of change when he is invited to his Niece’s wedding. After he attacks a heckler at a show, Jackie ends up doing community service. During this time, he meets Harmony (Leslie Mann) and the two make a strong connection. I don’t know what it is, but this film looks great. Robert De Niro always puts in a great performance, and with having a cast that includes Danny DeVito, Edie Falco and Harvey Keitel, this is certainly going to be a hit.

John Wick: Chapter 2

In 2014, John Wick became one of the biggest surprises of the year. Keanu Reeves stormed back into the spotlight as the legendary hitman. The first film was fun, exhilarating and breath-taking. Chapter 2 promises to include a lot more action, a great cast and Chad Stahelski (Director of John Wick) definitely puts the hopes up high on this one. Time to sit back and maybe give that first film a watch again.

The Lego Batman Movie

Before 2014, nobody would have said they could look forward to a movie made from Lego! But, that all changed when The Lego Movie was a box-office smash. Not only was it smart and funny, but was really creative and appealed to people of all ages. This movie, technically a spin-off to the 2014 film, has delivered some major trailers and has made me laugh on quite a few occasions. Taking everything we know about Batman and making him a lot less serious than his usual cinematic outings, Will Arnett will indeed cement himself as an iconic Batman!


The X-Men films have been filled with good and bad entries. For every Deadpool and Days Of Future Past, there has been The Last Stand and X-Men: Origins. But, Logan looks like it will be a very different film for the series. Taking place some time after Days Of Future Past, We find Wolverine and Professor X as they are supposedly two of the last mutants/X-Men in existence. Logan finds himself looking after a young girl with powers similar to his own (at a time when his powers begin to fail), and he has to protect her from the evil Essex Corporation. It looks dark and serious, not long till this one hits!

T2: Trainspotting

This sequel has been a long time coming (trust me, there is another long-awaited sequel coming up too!). Ewan McGregor, Robert Carlyle and the original cast return for T2: Trainspotting. Set 20 years on from the original, Renton returns to Scotland to make amends with his old friends and attempts to avoid Begbie who has just been released from prison. The first film was funny, shocking and relevant for its time. It looks like Danny Boyle has made yet another great piece for us movie goers.

Ghost In The Shell

Before anyone says a word, I know that adaptations of anime works have failed before (remember Dragonball Evolution?). But, there was something rather promising about Ghost In The Shell when its first trailer debuted a few weeks ago. Scarlett Johansson and the rest of the cast do seem to fit into their roles rather well, and it will be interesting to see this film when it comes out in March. It looks to stay close to its source material and even director of the original anime Mamoru Oshii has shown his positivity towards the project. Well, it will convince me enough to see it!

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2/Spider-Man Homecoming/Thor: Ragnarok

Yes, there are three films, but I have combined them as they are all part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We have The Guardians about to take 2017 by storm, Spider-Man is to make his full debut in his upcoming movie and Thor and Hulk are about to take an intergalactic road trip. The MCU has proved to be the most financially successful film franchise of all time, and it isn’t finishing any time soon. With all three of these films coming out next year and the Inhumans show debuting in IMAX, there is so much to come from this spectacular movie series. If I have to pick, it will be Guardians that will have me most excited. But, all three are on my list and I can’t wait to watch these films.

Alien: Covenant

I was not a big fan of Prometheus, and apparently, it is because of this movie that Neill Blomkamp’s planned Alien sequel has been delayed (NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!). But, Prometheus did have some good set-up and to have this movie tying more into the xenomorphs and the Alien series is worth a watch. Ridley Scott returns for this movie and so does star Michael Fassbender as David (the best character of Prometheus) for what promises to be a step up from the mystery and expand the mythology.

Wonder Woman

The DC Extended Universe has divided fans since 2013’s Man Of Steel, and with 2016 proving to be another year that polarized audiences and critics alike, all eyes are now on 2017 for DC. The first of two entries, we get Wonder Woman in the summer and we are going back to World War 1 to learn about her origins and how she first became known as…Wonder Woman. The trailers make this film look interesting and fun, and will indeed be a big talking point when released. Plus, Gal Gadot back as the title character will indeed be fun.

The Mummy

A remake? With Tom Cruise? And the trailer actually looked…decent?! It is a confusing notion, but I do actually feel excitement towards this film. Kick-starting a new movie universe, The Mummy will see us enter a new world where monsters and beings will come together to terrify and excite us. Also, anyone else excited at seeing Russell Crowe becoming Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? I reckon this could be the new evolution in the action-adventure genre, worth a watch this summer!

Despicable Me 3

Where do I start with this? Despicable Me is still one of the greatest surprises I have seen, I remember leaving the cinema after laughing a lot and feeling a great sense of happiness. The once great villain Gru is about to save the world yet again, this time it is Trey Barker’s Bratt (South Park co-creator) who is causing all the trouble. It looks like the minions will be neatly put back into their supporting role again and I think they are best kept there. I just wanna say, that trailer was bloody brilliant and I can’t wait to see this.

War For The Planet Of The Apes

I was never a big fan of Planet Of The Apes, the original films never really interested me (and the 2001 reboot was…bad!). The 2011 reboot ‘Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes’ gave a grand new perspective to the ape takeover of the planet and ‘Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes’ was a breathtaking experience and one of my favourite films of 2014! The new film looks set to continue the trend of the apes making earth theirs and continuing the battle with the humans. The bad news is that we don’t get the human characters from the 2014 film (Jason Clarke was indeed one of my favourite actors of that year), the good news is that we do have Woody Harrelson and who cannot mention Andy Serkis returning as Caesar (give the man a f***ing Oscar already, this part would be nothing without him!).

Blade Runner 2049

Long-awaited sequels have been a big part of modern day cinema for some time now. Some of them make for great cinema (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) and some just kill the property altogether (Tron: Legacy. It looked good, but was just pointless). Blade Runner was just yet another hit for Harrison Ford and a sequel was rumoured for decades. The new movie will see Ford return and Ryan Gosling taking on a lead role, also I should mention Denis Villeneuve (director of Sicario and Arrival) is making this film. The sequel to the 1980’s sci-fi classic may have taken a long time to come, but I think we are in very safe hands.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

The first Kingsman film definitely took me by surprise. Directed by Matthew Vaughn, he followed Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class with this fantastic movie. With a great amount of comedy, seriously gritty action and a super cast, a sequel was needed. The Golden Circle will continue the story of Kingsman as they team up with their American equivalent to take down a new enemy. It also looks like Vaughn got every bloody actor he can find for this. Jeff Bridges, Halle Berry, Julianne Moore, Channing Tatum, Pedro Pascal and even Elton John will be in this movie! The spy genre needed new blood, and this is it!


Saw: Legacy

I will admit, the Saw series of films is probably a favourite of mine in the horror genre. Sometimes the movies could be really creative and gave such a chill because of its realistic gore and gritty atmosphere. There were moments (the skin glued to the chair in Saw 3D being a big example) when you almost could feel your stomach turn and know it’s too much. But, at its heart, the series was gripping and a punch in the arm for a stale genre (some 2000’s horror films were really bad). The new film may hopefully be a great revival to a once legendary franchise (or a new nail in its coffin).


Justice League

As mentioned earlier, the DCEU has not had the smoothest start. But, what we do know is that it has now established itself as a fully functioning world filled with many different characters. Justice League will see the famous DC team finally come together on the big screen. Batman (Ben Affleck), Superman (Henry Cavill), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), The Flash (Ezra Miller), Aquaman (Jason Momoa) and Cyborg (Ray Fisher) come together to save the world from the villainous Steppenwolf. Expect appearances from Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, and many more when this movie hits in just under a year.

Star Wars: Episode VIII

Could there have been a film more highly anticipated than Episode VIII? With the end of The Force Awakens leaving so many with a taste for more, we will finally get to see what happens after Rey finds Luke Skywalker. With the new characters established, the fanbase again at its peak and Rian Johnson (Director of Looper, probably one of the best films of this decade so far) behind the camera for this outing, it shall be a grand adventure. Also, we shall be saying goodbye to our beloved Princess Leia in this movie. Can it be December now please?

What films are you looking forward to see in 2017? Are you upset about the exclusion of XXX: The Return Of Xander Cage or Fast and Furious 8? Let me know what you think, thank you for reading.

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove


Marvel at Comic-Con

Every year we always get a good scoop on what is coming from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This year, we got so much information that it may be a bit hard to digest it all. So, let’s have a look at each film and see what has so far been unveiled to us mere mortals.

Doctor Strange

After many years in production, Steven Strange will finally be making his debut into the MCU. Some may have caught his little mention in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, but now we will get full-blown Strange! With the film just months away, we got a few more peaks into the movie. Scott Derrickson (Sinister, The Day The Earth Stood Still) directs the much anticipated adaptation starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Chiwetel Ejiofor and Tilda Swinton. The main thing we got at Comic-Con for the film was this superb new trailer…

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2

With the much anticipated sequel coming out in the first half of next year, the Guardians will be returning in full force! Many new additions will be making their way to the MCU such as Pom Klementieff as Mantis and Kurt Russell as Ego The Living Planet (yes, you heard that right!) also being revealed as the father to Star-Lord. Some clips were also shown at Comic-Con but unfortunately have not been made public, though a trailer shouldn’t be too far away! For now, enjoy this little image from James Gunn and co.


Spider-Man: Homecoming

Ok, so Spider-Man has only just begun filming. But we do finally get confirmation on one of the biggest questions we have had, who is the villain? It is with great pleasure to say that the much speculated Vulture has indeed been confirmed. Michael Keaton will be bringing the iconic villain to life in the 2017 film, and we can’t wait to see the final result. Luckily, we won’t be getting him in the Birdman-style outfit, but a more up-to-date look. Some concept art definitely has got us excited, but a trailer will be good!


Thor: Ragnarok

So does anyone actually remember this is supposed to be a Thor movie? Most of the hype and information coming from this movie was in regards to the Hulk. It has been very much confirmed that the movie will take inspiration from the famous Planet Hulk storyline, with footage at Comic-Con and some props on display building the anticipation. I know we have a long time till this film comes out, but can we see some Thor and Hulk footage soon please?


Black Panther

As the film has not yet begun filming, there is very little to talk about in terms of the content. But, we have got some much needed clarity on the cast. Obviously we have Chadwick Boseman back as T’Challa and the previously cast Michael B. Jordan has been confirmed to play antagonist Killmonger. Also joining them and Lupita Nyong’o is the fantastic Danai Gurira (Michonne in The Walking Dead) which just builds the hype. Now, let’s get this film made!


Captain Marvel

OK, so we really don’t have a lot more information on the film itself or the content that will come in the 2019 release, but we know now who will play Carol Danvers! Bree Larson is to take on the super-heroine in this movie and in the MCU. With Captain Marvel we have a character who is not only a great leader, but one of the most powerful characters to ever grace Marvel comics. We have some time till Bree takes on the role on the screen, but I am very excited for this! Well done Marvel!

Brie Larson

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove


Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe

With Captain America: Civil War just a couple of months away, the start of Phase Three will see some huge changes come to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. With favourites such as Captain Marvel, Black Panther and Spider-Man about to debut in the world, there is plenty of excitement growing for the upcoming movies. But, we should not forget the past. The 12 films in the series so far have proved just how far the series has come. With a great majority of films doing a splendid job, tight casting and some of the most memorable scenes in cinema through the 21st century. The MCU is definitely going to leave a huge mark on cinema history forever. Let’s see how the films so far rank from worst to best…

  1. Iron Man 2

Maybe the obvious choice, but it had to be. First off, we get Mickey Rourke after he wowed in The Wrestler and Sin City being given very little in terms of character development and being made to look too much like a slimmed down Iron Monger suit. We finally get Samuel L Jackson making his first full appearance as Nick Fury, but where exactly does he go for a majority of the film? Then we had Terrance Howard being replaced (though I did grow to like Don Cheadle a lot more from Iron Man 3 onwards). Though not a bad movie on its own, it is certainly misguided.

  1. Thor: The Dark World

Now, in my defence I think this film is very funny and the chemistry between the cast was great. It definitely gave us a better look at Asgard and was the first MCU film to really feature alien planets prominently. Though, the lack of menace from Christopher Eccleston’s Malekith and the story was almost non-existant. It did seem the film was just throwing ideas at a wall, hoping something would stick. Though seeing Stellan Skarsgard running around in the nude at Stonehenge is definitely something fun and unexpected, it couldn’t save the film.

  1. The Incredible Hulk

Don’t make Edward Norton angry…oh, they did! Clearly a huge improvement on the unrelated 2003 ‘Hulk’ by Ang Lee, this film still had a lot to prove. Luckily, the biggest improvement was the actors who stepped up. While Edward Norton may not be the favourite Hulk anymore, he certainly made a good attempt at being Dr Bruce Banner. With Liv Tyler being the heart, Tim Roth proving to be a top villain and William Hurt giving us the true General Ross, what could go wrong? Well not much, but from this film we could see it seemed almost unrelated to the MCU, save for that little post-credit scene which I still believe is a flash-forward to ‘Captain America: Civil War’.

  1. Iron Man 3

After The Avengers did the best job possible for superhero movies, it was then left to Robert Downey Jr. and his friends since 2008 to somehow continue after this peak. While it was not as good as the 2012 team-up, it certainly did keep the entertainment levels up. Breaking the previous formula slightly from the first two films, we see Tony Stark go against someone with powers. The extremis-powered Killian was certainly a good match for strength and proved to be a greater danger and a better villain than some that came before.

  1. Thor

We get to meet Thor, God of Thunder and our first true “alien” for the Avengers. But also, we get to meet Loki. Possibly the best villain the MCU has shown, Loki really gets to have fun and he really gets to show his descent into evil with emotional consequences. The fight between the “brothers” is certainly a highlight for the MCU and to see the legendary Sir Anthony Hopkins take the part of Odin was too great to be true. The film may not be perfect, but it is a fun piece and will be regarded as taking a huge step in the development of the MCU.

  1. Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Bringing Earth’s Mightiest Heroes together for the second time was no easy task, and the ripples of it still resonate nearly a year later. Joss Whedon had previously done so much for the MCU from taking on The Avengers and giving his touch to phase 2 overall. Though Whedon has said about his struggles with the movie, he certainly did give 110% and maybe put in a bit too much into the runtime of the movie. Setting up many elements for phase three, bombarding many characters into the film and not giving them the necessary breathing space, it was a huge task. Though the film is great, I am sure we could have had a few changes. Ultron was great though!

  1. Ant-Man

Funny name? Think it’s a gimmick? Well, it isn’t. Many didn’t know that Ant-Man actually came to comics before many of the Avengers you may know, and it was a worthy wait to see him finally come into the MCU. Bringing a huge amount of humour and truly creating a different character for the screen, it was indeed a lot of fun to finally explore the world from a different perspective. Plus, how many comic actors can really make a character who is a thief become a popular film hero? Paul Rudd really made this character his own, and I am sure Civil War will see him shine again!

  1. Captain America: The First Avenger

We had Iron Man, we had Hulk and we also just had Thor. To complete The Avengers, we needed the super soldier from the 1940’s. Going back in time, we get a few ties to the other avengers in regards to the serum which would later be adapted and create the Hulk, or even Howard Stark meeting Cap before his son would by 70 years. Also, we get to see a character that possibly is the most vulnerable of all the heroes we had seen so far. Plus, the iconic Red Skull is well achieved by Hugo Weaving, and we need Red Skull back! Plus we got Peggy Carter, and she is awesome!

  1. Iron Man

Iron Man kicked off the MCU, and he made the Marvel world cool again. The bad taste of Spider-Man 3, X-Men: The Last Stand and Fantastic Four made the mid-2000’s a bit dull for comic adaptations. Iron Man though, proved you could be fun and serious. Robert Downey Jr. made himself the coolest guy in Hollywood by taking this B-list Marvel character and making him challenge and better many heroes that came before. Also, it showed that big stars wanted to be in superhero movies, a trend which still continues today.

  1. The Avengers

The results of years of work paid off in a huge way. The highest-earning superhero movie of all time, and for a great reason, and some of the greatest fun I have ever had at the cinema. Seeing the return of Loki, we saw the god come to earth to claim it as his own. The Avengers then assemble and bring everyone on their A-game to make a brilliant work of art. Also, who knew that a superhero movie could be that funny, and the biggest laughs coming from the Hulk of all characters? Definitely a spectacle in cinema.

  1. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The film which many people apparently dreaded (many people felt mixed on Cap, and few were originally interested in his next solo outing). Coming out in the UK in MARCH! Yes, that is MARCH. It seemed too early of a date to become a blockbuster, but we was wrong. Captain America came back on fighting form and within minutes, proved himself to be one of the most popular characters in cinema today. Chris Evans took the superhero to new heights and brought in “The Dark Knight” of the MCU. It was gritty, intelligent, tough, fun and had heart throughout. The reveal of Bucky may have been obvious from day one, but nobody cares when you leave that film thinking “Captain America is F***ING AWESOME!”. He may not fly, have weapons coming out of his arms or can turn green, but he certainly knew how to fight his critics.

  1. Guardians Of The Galaxy

Where do we begin? This film was almost doomed from the start. An unknown group of heroes, a director known more from Slither and the live-action Scooby Doo films (Yep, he wrote them. No joke!) and how about the idea of a sentient tree and talking raccoon being friends? Well, you was wrong! This film was just incredible. It was a hug punch of adrenaline into the mainstream and showed that risks should still be taken in Hollywood. The film was just a delight for the eyes, the music from the 1970’s was a perfect complement to the visual treat and the acting was second to none! James Gunn is currently making the sequel, due to be released next year. If it is half as good as this movie, I will be very happy indeed.

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove

Avengers: Age Of Ultron. “Right, don’t mention puny Banner…”

Well, Hulk vs Iron Man provides this line, but there is more!

Age Of Ultron gives us twins with powers, a synthetic android, the six heroes who saved New York from the Chitauri and a bat-s**t crazy AI whom is bent on destroying all mankind for not wanting to change. The Avengers are back and the action is almost instantly flying at you. Viewers of Captain America: The Winter Soldier will know that Pietro and Wanda Maximoff (Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch) are on their way. This gives a huge set piece which only leads to an even grander scale situation when we first meet “Ultron”. An AI worked on by Tony Stark to help The Avengers and protect the world. Using technology not of this world, the villainous robot is born and Ultron takes little time to assemble himself and look to destroy his enemy The Avengers. The action is huge, taking in many locations around the world. We get a more global adventure than in the 2012 Avengers. But, do make sure you know details from the previous movies as a few times you may be a bit stuck with what is happening.


Unlike many villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, you almost feel for Ultron, even though he desires nothing more than to destroy all humans (sounding like Bender from Futurama, though with more actual killing). He seems to only want to do what he feels is right, he wants the world to be safe and move on to a new stage of evolution. While we see Ultron look to perfect himself, we see The Avengers deteriorate before our eyes as friction between the team grows. Iron Man and Captain America show some animosity between each other, which will only fuel 2016’s Captain America: Civil War. Thor goes on his own side quest, but all becomes clear when he returns to make a necessary assist (and possibly tease Ragnarok). Black Widow and Hulk seem to be a bit more than friends in this movie, am I the only one who remembers Betty Ross? You know, the woman that Bruce Banner apparently was so in love with that he was willing to take on her vindictive father? Just me then! All these characters seem troubled and fragile, especially when they get to see what fear is within them. Though I must say Hawkeye is probably getting out in the best condition on the team, luckily he is kept with his own mind this time throughout. The story is not the strongest, though the quips and character portrayals certainly are gripping and entertaining. We get an almost full circle with the film beginning and almost ending in the same place, though the actual end gives a lot to look forward to going ahead to Phase Three of the MCU.

Avengers AOU

So, let’s have an analysis. This film has loads of characters, so many named characters old and new. Think Game Of Thrones blended with superheroes. Highlight characters include Hawkeye, whom Jeremy Renner seems to really make good use of and even at times makes joking references to his character’s portrayal in the first film and gets some of the funnier lines. Scarlett Johansson gets to reveal more about the past of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow as we find out more about how she became the assassin we know. Mark Ruffalo laps up the screen effortlessly with every appearance, either with his brooding and haunting gaze as Dr Banner and when he is tearing up a city as The Hulk. Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Elizabeth Olsen shine as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, though I must say that Scarlet Witch is the one who is probably a more revolutionary character and the one to look out for in the future. Paul Bettany gets to bring two characters out to Avengers: Age Of Ultron and does so brilliantly. With J.A.R.V.I.S. he continues to be the obedient AI for his creator Tony Stark, but as The Vision he really gets to have a life of his own and glows as this new creation. Finally, James Spader did a superb job as Ultron. Clearly the best villain of Phase Two, he offers a very grounded and brutal performance which only has so far been matched by Jeff Bridges Obadiah Stane and topped by Tom Hiddleston’s  Loki. A villain who you will hate, but not as much as you should.

Vision Character Poster Avengers 2

You will find yourself laugh at one time or another because of all of the characters. The humour and wit you recognise Joss Whedon for is still here. Where the first time it seemed almost unexpected, this movie you are guaranteed some laughs at some of the least likely areas of the two hour plus running time. This is a great movie; you will be hard pressed to find a dull moment. Though, the saturation of so many characters (though most of them we know) is a bit of a stretch to get in with such little time for them all. Maybe one or two could have been dropped, but we must anticipate a similar situation when Captain America: Civil War arrives (check out who is supposed to be in this one, you will see what I mean). Great lines, top action and a filling experience for all but maybe far too many set-ups for Phase Three of the MCU and too much going on. It shall be difficult to find many comic book films that can top movie. You can’t stop The Avengers!

Final Rating: 8.5/10

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove

Avengers: Age Of Ultron. New Trailer!

Friday 24th April is when the UK will receive the release of the epic blockbuster ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’. Within the last few hours, a brand new trailer has been released and features ever more footage from the movie and teases us further. When Tony Stark looks to boot up a peace-keeping program, he inadvertently releases the being Ultron, an AI who is set on bringing the end to all human existance. The Avengers must team up to take on their greatest challenge yet, while at the same time survive being in each others company.

Starring Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, James Spader and many other cast members! You do not want to miss this very exciting event for 2015!

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove

Avengers: Age Of Ultron. Our first official trailer, and what it means to Agents Of Shield!

A short while ago it was announced that Avengers: Age Of Ultron would be debuting its first official trailer on Tuesday 28th October 2014 on ABC in America during that nights episode of Agents Of Shield. The show itself has been struggling in the ratings since its return, although the critical reception has been higher than its first series, the show looks to be in trouble if ratings continue to drop. This was almost seen as a lifeline and would have had plenty of people glued to the TV to see the first footage of what will be 2015’s most anticipated movie. But then this happened…

The trailer had been leaked online early (Actually about 6-12 hours ago). Marvel, obviously not wanting to leave the fans with a rough trailer being passed around, officially unveiled their trailer and also took to twitter to jokingly state “Dammit, HYDRA.” at the news of the leak. So, I doubt Agents of Shield will air the trailer now, but maybe they use something else to get a crowd in? So we now have the full trailer (which you can watch here, it is bloody good! James Spader is definitely going to be brilliant as Ultron!) which you can enjoy from now until April 24th when Avengers: Age Of Ultron is released in the UK (Yes, one week before the US. Sweet!). Marvel’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron follows the cast of 2012’s Smash Hit The Avengers as the heroes are brought together to fight their toughest enemy yet. When Tony Stark attempts to jumpstart a dormant peacekeeping program with Ultron, Ultron then decides the human race is the enemy and looks to eradicate them from existence. The heroes will need allies old and new to help defeat this threat as the whole world is in danger.

Written by Jonjo Cosgrove

Avengers AOU